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TRUE COLORS - 70x70 cm

TRUE COLORS - 70x70 cm


Maße: 70 x 70 x 2 cm

Medium: Acryl auf Leinwand

Technik: Pinsel, Spachtel

Entstehungsjahr: 2020


Preis: 850 Euro


But I see your true colors

Shining through

I see your true colors

And that's why I love you

So don't be afraid to let them show

Your true colors

True colors are beautiful Like a rainbow


(Cindy Lauper)

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    Christin Kirchner
    Schongauerweg 23
    89081 Ulm 

    Mobile +49 176/61659818

    Reproduction and/or use of all artworks, images and texts by Christin Kirchner is not permitted. I reserve the right to take legal action in the event of copyright infringement.

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